Now Emirates have been working me like a dog of late, so keeping the blog up to date has been a slight challenge. I want to take my laptop on my layovers with me, but it can be a rather expensive exercise (usually 30 Oz Dollars for 24 hours) so I wait to come back to Dubai, hence the delay.
The last week has taken me to London and Munich which were both pretty great trips. The first was pretty interesting due to the security scare in the UK. First of all we had to divert to Birmingham then drive to London, and then on the way home we were delayed many hours due to the extensive security checks we had to go through. My phone, ipod, camera, toiletry bag and Emirates fobkey all had to be taken out and placed in my suitcase which made me feel part of the global community against terror! I spent some time with Arta and Tania from the flight, and we went to Harrod's, Hyde Park and Buckingham Palace- the first time for me to all the above!
Two London landmarks - Harrod's and the Underground
The Egyptian staircase in Harrod's, and...
...the Diana and Dodi tribute, which was a little wierd.
Moi at the Hyde Park lake/pond thingy...
My friends from the flight - Arta (French/Iranian) and Tania (Indian)
The beautifully brown Hyde Park
Pick up Liz, I KNOW you're in there!
She let Rolf Harris in but not me! What's with that?!
Then it was off to Munich, where I was able to catch up with a long time friend of mine who I hadn't seen in many years, and spend some time being a Contiki-er! Since leaving Australia, Aaron (aforementioned friend) has become a tour guide and I was able to join the group of 40 or so for the afternoon/evening! I felt like I was in my mid-twenties seeing the world again! I really loved the city and the summertime, beer-swigging, pretzel-eating, pork-inhaling atmosphere! I really hope I get this trip again soon.
At the town centre - and up the glockenspiel we head!
Stunning views of Munchen from the top of the tower.
Outside the popular-with-tourists HOFBRAUHAUS....
....where one litre beers are the order of the day!
Our trusty guide Aaron poses with some really hot guy...
And the band played on (do their wives know they're here!)