Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Top 10 films for 2006 to date.....


The spectacular CGI in the first ten minutes sets the scene for the most thrilling maritime adventure since Titanic. Have never held my breath so many times in a film. Should have performed much better at the box-office; the marketing department has a lot to answer for on this one.


As easy as it is to hate Tom Cruise (so he loves his fiancee!) there wasn't too much to hate here. Lost mastermind J.J.Abrams injects more action, more suspense, more stunts and more emotion into a dying franchise to create a surprisingly enjoyable summer hit. I guess it was one couch-jumping incident too many for Suri's dad, spelling disappointing box office for all involved.


Cute, adventurous with beautiful eyes. And don't get me started on the snow dogs! Paul Walker does his best 'concerned' impression as a sleigh driver trying to save his beloved huskies stranded back at ye olde Arctic base. The dogs are the stars and the whole shebang ultimately comes across as moving, exciting and satisfying.


Like Mission Impossible, I didn't WANT to like this one. I had only read half the book, but as I tell anyone who will care to listen, it was better that way. I understood the frenetic beginnning better only to be surprised by what happened at the end. While I'm led to believe the book was far superior, Ron Howard had a pretty good crack at it. Whoever did the cinematography should be paying a trip to Oscar's next year.


Brilliant casting saw Denzel Washington, Clive Owen and Jodie Foster square off in a tense bank heist thriller which kept the masses guessing til the very end. Some I suspect are still trying to figure it out, but intelligent and/or gripping thrillers are few and far between, so lap this one up.


Funny, depressing, evocative, warm, realistic, surprisingly great. Not a huge Vinnifer (or is that Vaughniston) fan, but they nailed it in this one which will leave some kind of imprint on anyone who's had a crappy separation. Individually, they have both hit a career-high here.


Except for the excessive running time, and that really depressing, almost boring 20-30 minutes in the middle, the Johnny Cash biopic was real, tender and entertaining. Reese ran home with all the awards, and while yes, she was really something, she should remember there is no 'I' in TEAM. Joaquin made it look so easy and together they were sublime.


More than anything else, this is a whole lot of fun. Absolute movie-going pleasure from beginning to end. Unknown soap actor Brandon Routh nails it as Clark Kent and surprising choice Kate Bosworth pretty much IS Lois Lane. Everything about this was unexpectedly great - the story, the cast, the acting, the special effects. It leaves Pirates of the Caribbean for dead in the entertainment stakes - go see it!


As a movie buff of sorts it's apparently a sin not to adore Woody Allen. So as I was off to confession I stopped in on this, his latest offering involving a former pro tennis player weaving his way into the lives of a haughty British family. I turned around and went home - I'm converted! An engaging mystery with Jonathon Rhys-Myers and Scarlett Johansson making scandal seem effortless. Clear your Saturday schedules and hire it on dvd.


I know I'm meant to like this the most - I am a cowboy from way back - but in all fairness, Brokeback is the best of 2006. 'Twas haunting, passionate, distressing, frustrating and momentous, but maybe so is real love. Heath Ledger finally proved his point to Hollywood, while Jake Gyllenhaal was measured yet spectacular. The scene outside the family home when Ledger's wife gets her first glimpse of man-on-man action is heart-breaking, unsettling and burnt into many a conscience, including mine.


Anonymous said...

Do you watch these during 'down' time on your flights?
I thought so. Interesting selection and I can say without a doubt that superman returns is the absolute best film in this list that I have seen with you.
Some would say only, but I say best.

Anonymous said...

and thennnnnn...

Anonymous said...

Some recommendations for Mr Watson as possible addditions to the now "infamous" Top Ten!

-The Aristocrats
-Hard Candy
-The Hills Have Eyes
-The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada

Anonymous said...

Spot on with Brokeback... Fantastic movie.. So passionate! I havn't cried that much since the Titanic. And Daniel, if you ever get tired of jet-setting around the world, you definitely have a future in movie reviewing.