My computer decided to have a LIndsay Lohan style meltdown last week and my photos are in a tangled mess, much like Britney's hair the day before she cut it all off... Anyway, the point of all this is I lost some of my graduation photos, but now they are found, ready to be viewed by the tens of people who read this every day!
Oh and how about Kath and Kim back on Channel 7 - good or bad? The jury is still out here...
Just got back from a very fun but very tiring trip to Lagos in Nigeria. Photos up very soon, just got to wake up first!
The 306 boys all together in a photo for the first time! Franck on the left, Jason on the right
With Dache and also Cristina, enjoying our big day! Sionara economy!
Many congrads!
"The Happy Flight Attendant"
congratulations daniel. I'm very very proud of you. wish I could have been there. love you heaps, Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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