That's right folks, NO MORE ECONOMY! As of last week, this fearless flight attendant is now a business class cabin crew for Emirates! Please bow down in my presence I beseech thee! (I have no idea if I have correctly used the word beseech in a sentence, however as I am working in business class, I command that it be so!)
Here are some pictures from my week in training college, learning the myriad of menial tasks I now need to remember: wines, cheeses, menu items, duty free $$$$$$ and the rest. Many of my good friends upgraded at the same time as me, in particular Nicole, Dache, Denise and Cristina. My first flight in said new swanky class is not til next Tuesday when I go to Colombo, so trying to keep it all stuffed in my brain for then.
Anyway, I'm off on a 35 minute flight to Doha in Qatar in a few hours, so best I go back to sleep!
With Stephanie (UK), Cristina (Spain) and Jeanine (France), in the 'mock-up' - the day we have a complete run through of the full service and get marked on how we do... and me again with Dache!
I took this one of Nicole's new housemate Ann Maree who was attending Nicole's mock-up in the second simulator. We all bring guests to act as passengers so we have people to show off our new skills to! This next one I took of Franck (from the galley) who came to mine- thanks Francky!
you should be so lucky to serve me you delicious little poodle.
oh, hang on, I travel first class...
I don't need to tell you what I normally do with your music and film suggestions, but have donwloaded Mika after realising you may have just got one right
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