Monday, February 05, 2007

Salamat Datang!

A great crew makes all the difference as Aristotle once said. I wasn't in briefing for 1 minute when I struck up a conversation with Grace from Ireland and we were thick as thieves for the whole trip! In fact everybody in economy was fantastic, as was the purser and SFS (no, they didn't pay me to write that!)

After sleeping straight after landing, we were up and at'em first thing. Petronas Towers (tallest set of two buildings in the world), the KL tower (4th tallest tower in the world) mixed with lunch, shopping and perfect weather made for an awesome day. I was off to Brisbane on Scissor Sisters-induced leave the next day and this was an excellent send off.

(above picture from left: Miroslava (Czech), Ian (Maltese), Mohammed (Egyptian), Grace (Irish) and me)

The Petronas Towers from the street below, and looking up to the KL Tower in the background

Views from the top of KL Tower
Every green light in KL is the start af a new drag race, so much fun to watch!

How many crew can you fit inside a refrigerated galley space? Evidently only four when Daniel's backside has to fit in there too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One word: Entrapment.