Sunday, January 21, 2007

Yeah, lots of China

My first flight back after 3 weeks of holidays and sickness, and to where did I steward? To good ol' Shangers, or Shanghai as some hoity-toity purists would call it. Awesome cabin crew, awesomer hotel, bargain city (in the plus column) freezing cold, oily food, hard to read Chinese (in the minus column) It was too cold to go far, and I'm in a money saving mood of late, so I don't have too many photos to share - however, give these a whirl... Next time, if you want quality dvds of any tv show - send the Jube Eye an email or comment and he'll be more than happy to oblige when next in the Chinese vicinity.

My room - one of the very nicest I've ever stayed in...not to brag or anything!

The street outside the hotel from outside....

...and above the hotel. It's so cold the air is misty, yet people still cycle and walk around work though they probably have no choice. Shanghai is quite commercial and depressing from what I saw, but for the dvds...Emirates, please send me back!

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