Saturday, October 21, 2006

Liquor? You have liquor?

I was on standby two days ago from 6am to 6pm and was called at around 11.30 for a flight to none other than Trivandrum in India. 4 hours there, 4 hours back, no rest, no layover - just two flights loaded full of whiny, incoherent, alcoholics - JOY! I didn't get home in to bed until 1.30am the next day. Thank goodness there was a fun crew on board who made the day less tedious. All I really want to know is when did 'whiskey, whiskey' become the Indian national beverage?

To give you the smallest amount of insight into what a plane full of above-mentoned folk is like, I took some pictures (illegally) on ground in Trivandrum as they (thankfully) disembarked.


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ! The picture says it all ! I bet you needed a "whiskey" (or two?)yourself when you got home.
Oh and those pictures of the Maldives are nice! Shame you didnt take one of the stingray you saw as you were landing...

Anonymous said...

Are you allowed to refer to your customers as whiny incoherent whiskey loving alcoholics?
or is this just me living in the 18th Century yet again?
Either way, back in my day people may have been pegging out over dyssentry and the like, but man, did we have respect for our elders.
Yours in attitude