Saturday, September 16, 2006

Grab a coffee - this is a LONG one!

Well it is finally here....a blog entry to signify one of the most fun and pleasant trips I've had in a very long time. Normally I don't take that many photos on a Brisbane layover, but you know how I'm always living on the edge!

Without going on about it, I had a VERY good crew, and by good I mean relaxed, easy-going, friendly, sociable and funny - extremely rare qualities from any crew. There's always one or two, but rarely sixteen others! To add to the general merriment, we had reasonably light loads for many of the sectors which makes life sweeter for all. Then if there can be a cherry on the cake that was my life for the past nine days, Nicole happened to be in Brisbane on the night I arrived and she came out to meet my friends and crew which I must say was noice.

I'll let the pictures and what I have no doubt will be witty captions, tell the story...


With my long time amazing friends, Rochelle and Sacha

Can't believe my little girl Tania is all grown up and getting married! Paul is a VERY lucky guy!

Rochelle plants one on her unsuspecting husband, Stephen

Nicole was able to meet my friends, including Nabil, the extraordinary purser we were very lucky to have :)

...not to mention the cuter-than-usual First Officer, Marcio from Brazil

Captain Mike from Canada gets aquainted with Fiona of the British (and first class) pursuasion!

Senior Flight Steward, Shahram (from Iran - so was Annie the other SFS) with Louise from the UK

Obligatory group shot: Charlie (Jordan), Cristina (Spain), Marcio, Cookie (Philippines), Nicole and moi


Waiting in Brisbane Airport for the shuttle to Auckland. We picked up an extra 100 passengers from a cancelled Royal Brunei flight, which was not the ideal start to the day.

With Aaron and Louise as the wait to board the aircraft dragged on...

...but always time to sneak in a photo before passengers begin ruining the day!

Aaron (Sydney), Silbee (South Korea), Shahram, Louise and I/me

With the hot-to-trot economy SFS Annie (she developed DVT and had to stay behind half way through the trip)

With my buddy Shahram - an absolute champion!

This was the camera view coming into Auckland International...

...and a few hours later heading back into Brisbane, we encountered a lot of turbulence hence the wobbly picture, but I was allowed to sit in the back seat to take this picture.

Peace and quiet in the cabin during the night flight to Singapore - no call bells for hours...BLISS!

Hanging in the cockpit during aforementioned blissful (but boring) flight to Singapore

Captain Dan saves the day! Thanks Captain Dan!


My sister, Georgia

Georgia, myself and Mum

With Nathan and Alissa

Tracy with Macy...

...and to complete the set, Mitch with Ava

Macy and Ava


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, the fact there was such a gap between posts means nothing when they are of such quality. thanks captain
btw, the set top box was off so Oz Idol wasnt recorded, but take it from the most impartial man on the face of the planet: It sucked. Daygan Reery has a death wish, and the others probably just wish they could hold a note.
anyway, I'm sure you're on top of it anyway, so won't contine...