Saturday, June 02, 2007

My last layover!

I really couldn't have been more excited! It was my last layover for the foreseeable future and I was going out in style - MUNICH. My favourite city in Europe and of my favourite in the world. Whats more is we had very light passenger loads which meant a comfortable trip and overall a memorable, pleasurable experience. If only they were all like this I wouldn't need to work at training college!

I did so much on this trip AND still got enough sleep which was a small miracle. After arriving at 9pm I got dressed and headed straight for party central with a friend of a friend Detlev and proceeded to drink no less than ten beers on an empty stomach. Clever! Unfortunately I was too far gone to take any photos so you'll have to take my word for it! It was, however, a fantastic night that exceeded my expectations.

Day two I fared somewhat better than I had expected. No hangover, only a burning sensation for food and lots of it. First stop: Delicatessen for my leberkes roll with mustard and tomato sauce - heavenly! Next stop: Back into Munich itself for an afternoon in the sunshine, mingling with the crowds, enjoying the architecture and atmosphere, and you guessed right - shopping! I scored the BEST pair of jeans I have ever bought for only 40Euros in case anyone cares! At least I'll look presentable when I need to beg on the streets for the rest of the month!

On the autobahn heading the hotel, passing the amazing Allianz Arena surrounded by a giant fibreglass ring of colour!

The Arabella Sheraton where we stay.... it's the one on the left.

It was such a beautiful day, best weather in ages so say the locals...

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