Thursday, February 16, 2006

My first blog entry! Let's see if there'll be a second...

I'm not at all a fan of blogging. I hate reading the blogs of others, generally deeming them pretentious and self-serving. I also hate the thought of keeping a blog. So much work and effort - I have always struggled to keep the most basic of journals. Sure, I'm always the one to enthusiastically purchase a new diary or notebook, always with the very best intentions in mind, but then it all becomes too hard. After a week or so, the grand plans are over and I begin to think: "There's always next year!"

But then yesterday my friend Caio showed me the blog he has kept since moving to Dubai. It's awesome! It has his pictures from all his trips, his roster is there so his friends can see where he is travelling to, and it has his comments and thoughts as well as postings from his friends. I mean sure, it's all about him, but that seems to mean a lot to his family and friends who miss him!

So putting all this into consideration, I too have decided to go down this aforementioned 'pretentious' and 'self-serving' path. Please don't hate me for it, you know how much I hate the attention on me (cue uproarious laughter from the masses) but this way my Dubai/Emirates experience will be documented for all to see. You can also all hold me accountable if I ever miss an entry or let it slip behind!

Never having done this before, it will be fun to see how it all actually works, but I'm looking forward to making my inaugural blog a success. I hope you enjoy reading it from time to time (or if it's too boring, just looking at the pictures!)

Until next time,

Daniel, in DXB


Anonymous said...

итак: прелестно! а82ч

Anonymous said...

Excuse for that I interfere … I understand this question. I invite to discussion.